
Introduction to Lockr

Welcome to the documentation for Lockr, a powerful discord bot dedicated to channel and server locking. In these docs you will find a full guide to using Lockr and all of its commands, as well as the terms of use and privacy policy.

Lockr uses Slash Commands to accept user input. All responses that the bot provides are ephemeral, meaning they are only visible to the person who invoked the command.

Throughout this guide, slash commands will be referred to with a / before them, so you can know a command is being talked about.

Inviting the bot

You can invite Lockr to your server with this link. The permissions that are requested are all needed for the bot to function, and the bot will also add the slash commands it uses to function. Once you've added the bot to your server, you will have to set it up for it to be able to function properly.

How Lockr Works

Before diving into bot setup, it is recommended you understand how Lockr locks channels. Lockr locks by denying the Send Messages permission for all altered roles for the channel that is being locked. Lockr unlocks by resetting Send Message permissions for all altered roles. This means that Lockr does not store any lockdown data and operates with changing as little permissions as possible.

Command Permission Overview

Server Administrators and Owner

In order to manage access to Lockr's commands, you must use Lockr's tab under Server Settings > Integrations. Here you can customize permissions to use Lockr's slash commands on a channel, role, or user basis. This means you can fine-tune who you wish to be able to use locking and unlocking commands, as well as setup commands. Please note that admins bypass slash command permissions, so they can always use any Lockr commands.

Sane Limits

When adding Lockr to your server, all commands come with built-in permission restrictions. The /settings command is limited to users with the Administrator permission, and all locking and unlocking commands (/lock, /lockserver, /unlock, /unlockserver) will be limited to users with both the Manage Channels AND Manage Roles permissions. This is to ensure the bot cannot be misused when first added to your server, before it is set up.

Command Guide Preface

A quick word on Arguments

Arguments are parameters that you pass into a command which changes its functionality. With slash commands, the slash command interface very clearly shows you what arguments are required (needed for the command to be ran) or optional (not needed but including them will change what the command does). In this guide, the following syntax will be used to refer to arguments:

  • [argument] - Square brackets around an argument denotes that this argument is required for the command.

  • <argument> - Comparison signs around an argument denotes that this argument is optional.

Last updated