Discord Permissions

This page dives into Discord Permissions, what permissions this bot needs, and their limits.

Giving Lockr the Administrator permission in your server will bypass all permission issues. However, this is generally bad practice.

The default invite link that you use when adding Lockr calls for the following permissions:

  • Manage Roles

  • Read Messages

  • Send Messages

  • Manage Threads

  • Embed Links

  • Attach Files

  • Read Message History

  • Use External Emojis

Also, Lockr will request for slash commands to be added to your server, which is completely necessary in order for you to use the bot. The above permissions are also needed when inviting the bot.

Hoisting Issues

More often than not, a bot will request or require you to have its highest role quite high on your role list for whatever reason, most commonly being moderation. However, updating channel overwrites does not have this problem. Lockr's role does not need to be high on your role list in order for it to function.

Last updated